Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Last Supper at Les Clandestins Cancelled

We are sorry to announce cancellation of the last supper of the season at
Les Clandestins scheduled for 28 September.  As you probably know,
especially if you have joined us this summer, we have no indoor alternative
in case of rain, which is forecast for the weekend.   But it is hard to
complain after having been thankfully blessed with clear skies for eleven
Saturday soirées.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our adventure and filled each
evening with bonhomie, laughter, and sparkling conversation.  Thank you too
for your support and encouragement, endless patience, and for jumping into
the spirit of our communal table with both feet.  We couldn't have hoped
for a more positive response.
Work is underway to arrange an indoor venue to accommodate Les
Clandestinsfor an occasional supper during the cold and rainy months
ahead, so watch this space for news as it happens.